Adding, changing, or deleting bookings

This article explains how to add, change, or remove bookings in Clubs and Events for SchoolCloud.

Adding Bookings

To add a new booking, go to the Club on your SchoolCloud system and, from the Club Dashboard, click Add Booking on the navigation bar on the left, or in the Common Actions box.

Select the student from the drop-down box at the left of the page. If the student you want does not appear, check that they were included in the filter in Configure Club. Then select the parent you want to use to make the booking for that child.

Note that if the parent has more than one child that could book for the club you will see all of them. 

Clicking on a green + will either immediately book that place or - if there are a range of dates available and you have set the club to allow booking individual dates - present you with them so you can choose which to book. You can also book other children in at the same time, if wished.

Clicking Submit will return you to the Add Booking page in case you want to add more bookings. If you have finished, click Next.

Finally, you will be shown a summary of the bookings. Clicking Book for another child will return you to a fresh instance of the Add Booking page.

Amending Bookings

To amend/edit a booking, navigate to the Club on your system as an administrator and click Manage Bookings.

From here you can use the drop down boxes to select a parent or student to view and manage their bookings. Or to view all bookings for a particular club. Once you have made a selection, the corresponding bookings will show on-screen.

If you wish to see all of your bookings in a clearer format, you can click Export All Bookings below the drop-down boxes on the left. This will download all of your booking data as a .CSV spreadsheet file.

To edit a booking, click on the menu icon on the right-hand side of the row, then choose Edit.

This takes you into the Add Booking screen, where you can select an existing booking to load and edit it as wished.

Once you have finished, click Next and your updated booking summary will now show on-screen.

Adding Bookings for Plays

In Add Booking you will see the limits of tickets you set for parents

As an admin you can select more tickets than the limit by selecting from the dropdown.

Amending Bookings for Plays

If a booking has already been made

you need to delete that booking before you will be able to change the number of tickets allocated.

Deleting Bookings

To delete a booking, follow the same process as to edit, but choose  Cancel Booking. 

You will be presented with a pop-up dialog as shown, click Confirm to remove the booking.

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