Teacher Guide for Clubs & Events
Clubs & Events
If your school has our Clubs & Events product, and your admin has given teachers permission, you will see that option listed in the navigation bar when you log in as a teacher. Teacher access is limited to adding or removing a student on a club or event, and marking attendance.
This guide is specifically about the Clubs & Events section, for a full guide to the other parts of the teacher pages, please see this guide.
To add students
(N.B. this is only available when there is no charge for the club or event)
Select the Club or event, then the session, then click Add Student. You will then see this box:
You can add the student(s) to that particular session, or to all sessions that are part of the overall event - as well as automatically mark them as present, if wished.
To remove students
Click the bin icon at the end of the student row.
To mark attendance
Click the Attendance dropdown, which by default will show Unknown, and select the appropriate option.
As soon as you select Present or Absent that status, and the time and date it was set, will be added.You can Bulk Change Attendance by using that option