Using the Student Filters
Often clubs and events are set up for a particular year, or class of students - or for an even more limited group.
NOTE: If you want to open your event to a particular group of students, then later open it to a larger group, you can do this by adding a student filter (e.g. one specific year group) when you set up the event and removing or editing that filter at a later date.
Setting up an event/trip/play for a list of students
When setting up an event you will come to a step that allows you to select the students involved using the add filter pop-up.
The filter is cumulative, e.g. you can use it to add all Year 3 students, plus selected students from another year. Or all students in Registration Group 2B, plus a Custom Group of SENCO students, plus a single student that was unable to make it to an earlier event.
For example: all Year 3 students, plus selected students from another year. Or all students in Registration Group 2B, plus a Custom Group of SENCO students, plus a single student that was unable to make it to an earlier evening. To narrow down the list you can use the search box - for example typing '11' in the box will mean you only see the students with 11 in their class or year.