SIMS: Which email addresses are synced into SchoolCloud?

In SIMS, parents and teachers often have a number of email addresses assigned to them. However, in SchoolCloud we only use one of these addresses. This article sets out which address will be brought across when you sync your data.


Parent email addresses are brought into SchoolCloud from their SIMS Contact record in the following order:

  1. The Home email address where it's designated as the Main address
  2. Any Primary email address

This address is brought across into the system via the SIMS Extract Tool if Import Parent Contact Details into the Parents Evening System in Step 3 is selected. (see Syncing with SIMS for more details).

Note: If there is no email address in SIMS, the parent email address in SchoolCloud will be left blank. 

When a parent logs in to the system to make a booking they are asked to enter an email address. This is optional, but you can make it mandatory by ticking the relevant box under Required Login Fields under System Settings > Login Settings.

Any email address that they supply will fill in the blank and be used by the system to send confirmations of bookings, reminders etc. It will not be written back to SIMS.


Teacher email addresses in SIMS are brought into SchoolCloud in the following order:

  1. The Work email address
  2. The Primary email address

If there is no email address in SIMS, the teacher email address in SchoolCloud will be left blank. If you wish, you can manually enter addresses by going to Data >Teachers and clicking on the pencil icon to edit the individual teacher record. 

If the email addresses are set as above but still aren't coming through, it's likely the SIMS user used to sync with the Extract Tool didn't have the Personnel Assistant privilege. Make sure the permission is added then run the sync again from the start.

Note: If you enter the email address manually, this will be overwritten the next time the Parents' Evening SIMS Extract Tool is run if you have the Overwrite Emails With Those From SIMS tick box on Step 4 ticked.

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